Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem ♥ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

August 15, 2012

The Night of Power..

There is a night in the month of Ramadhan which is better than a thousand months (83 years, 4 months). This night is called Laylatul-Qadr. The Revelation of the Qur'aan started in the month of Ramadhan and specifically on Laylatul-Qadr. The Night of Power is a night of blessings that has been blessed by Allaah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) described the morning after Laylatul-Qadr so that the Muslim may know which day it is. He (peace be upon him) also advised what is most appropriate to recite during this blessed night.

'Aisha (radhiAllaahu anha) reported that she asked the Prophet (peace be upon him), "O Messenger of Allaah! If I knew which night is the night of power (Laylatul-Qadr), what should I say during it?" The Prophet (peace be upon him) advised her to recite: Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun tuhhibul 'afwa fa' fu 'annee."

O Allaah! You are forgiving, and You love forgiveness. So forgive me.

--Reported as Saheeh in Tirmidhi, hadith no.3513. Also recorded in Ahmad and Ibn Majah.



Ubayy (radhiAllaahu anhu) said, that he (peace be upon him) said:

"On the morning following Laylatul-Qadr, the sun rises not having any rays as if it were a brass dish, until it rises up."

--Muslim, Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah


Ibn 'Abbas (radhiAllaahu anhu) said that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:

"Laylatul-Qadr is calm and pleasant, neither hot nor cold. The sun rises on its morning being feeble and red."

--Ibn Khuzaimah and al-Bazzaar with a Hasan Isnad.


Abu Hurairah (radhiAllaahu anhu) said:

"We were discussing Laylatul-Qadr in the presence of Allaah's Messenger (peace be upon him) so he said, 'Which of you remembers (the night) when the moon arose and was like half a plate?'."
