Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem ♥ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

November 30, 2011

Du'a During Rain..

Rain, baarish, matar.. Is it just me ladies, or has it been pouring alot lately (alhamdulillah, love it!) ? Anyways, as we know, there are certain times that are the best times to make du'a (supplication). One of those times is at the time of the rain.

Narrated Sahel Ibn Sa'ad (radhiAllaahu 'anh): The Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him) said:

 'Two will not be rejected, Supplication when the Adhaan (call of prayer) is being called, and at the time of the rain'.

[Al-Hakim 2: 114, and Abu Dawud #2540, ibn Majah]

 Imam al-Shafi' in al-Umm, al-Sahihah #1469 is reported to have said:

"Seek the response to your du'as when the armies meet, and the prayer is called, and when rain falls."

The time of the rain is a time of mercy from Allaah (azz wa jal) so, one should take advantage of this time when Allaah is having Mercy on His slaves.