Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem ♥ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

December 17, 2011

The Prophet (peace be upon him's) Love ..

The Prophet (peace be upon him) always kept his smile with his wives and he used to laugh and please them to make them laugh as well. With all the troubles around him, he used to take his wife 'Aisha (radhiAllaahu 'anha), to the desert and say, “'Aisha, lets race!” And she used to race him and win. So, he kept on feeding her meat for a whole week, so she would unassumingly gain weight, until he took her again to the desert and said, “'Aisha, let’s race!” At that time, he won and said to her, “This time I won!”.
(Recorded in Ahmad & Abu Dawood)