Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem ♥ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

July 07, 2012

Faith is Not by Embellishment..

Faith (îmân) is not by embellishment or wishful thinking, but it is what settles in the heart and is verified through your works. Whoever says good but does not do good will have his words compared to his deeds by Allaah. Whoever says good and does good will have his words raised by his deeds. This is because Allah ‘azza wa jal said:

"To Him ascends the good word, and the righteous deed raises it." [Sûrah Al-Fâtir: 10] "

Ibn Battah in Al-Ibânah Al-Kubrâ Vol. 3 p120, and Al-Khatîb Al-Baghdâdî in Iqtidâ’ Al-’Ilm Al-’Amal no.56.