Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem ♥ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

December 12, 2011

The 4 Principles (Part 2)

PART 2 of Questions and Answers taken directly from Umm AbdulWahhab's Students of Sunnah Aqeedah Class, based on the book Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba'ah'by Al Shaykhul Islaam Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab at-Tamimi (rahimullaah).

You can read PART 1 here. PART 3 here, and PART 4 here

Question: In what surah did Allaah (Subhaanahu wa ta'Alaa) state that shirk is unforgiveable?
Answer: Surah An-Nisa (4:116).
"Verily! Allaah forgives not (the sin of) setting up partners in worship with Him, but He forgives whom He pleases other than that, and whoever sets up partners in worship with AllaAh, has indeed strayed far away."

Question: In what surah did Allaah (Subhaanahu wa ta'Alaa) state paradise is forbidden for those who commit shirk?
Answer: Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:72).

"Indeed, he who associates others with Allaah - Allaah has forbidden him Paradise, and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers."

Question: What are the forms of shirk? Shirk is the opposite of Tawheed (Oneness of Allaah).
Answer: There are two forms of shirk, Major (Akbar) and Minor (Asghar). Major shirk takes you  out of the fold of Islam. Minor shirk is when a person is still considered a muslim, however it is a major sin. The main difference between the two is the INTENTION.

Question: What are the types of bid'ah? Bid'ah is the opposite of Sunnah (The way of the Prophet (peace be upon him)).
Answer: Bid'ah Fid-Deen which are innovations or newly invented matters not from the Sunnah.
Bid'ah Fid-Dunya which are innovations in wordly matters.

Question: What are the 3 types of Tawheed?
Answer: Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyyah which is the Oneness of Allaah's LORDSHIP. Tawheed al-Uloohiyyah which is belief that Allaah (azz wa jal) is the only One worthy of worship. Tawheed Asma wa-Sifat which is the oneness of Allaah (azz wa jal)'s Names and Attributes. We do not take away names or attributes, nor do we add to them.

Question: Tawheed is free from the following 4 things. Define them.
Tasbih -- Comparison. Comparing the names of Allaah to something that already exists (i.e. so-and-so's mercy is like..)
Tamthil -- Saying that Allaah (azz wa jal) is like His Creation (i.e. His Hands are like our hands)
Tahrif --Distortion. Completely changing what Allaah (azz wa jal) has Said.
Ta'til -- Denial of Allaah's Attributes.

Question: The Kalimah (La illaaha illAllaah) has 2 pillars. Name them.
Answer: Nafi (La illaaha) which means negation. We negate everything that is worshipped other than Allaah (azz wa jal). Ithbaat (illAllaah) which means affirmation. We affirm that all worship is for Allaah (azz wa jal) Alone.