Bismillah ir Rahman ir Raheem ♥ بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

December 08, 2011

Zaynab bint Jahsh bin Rayaab (radhiAllaahu 'anha)

Source: Great Women of Islaam by Mahmood Ahmad Ghandanfar (Book)

Zaynab bint Jahsh bin Rayaab(radhiAllaahu 'anha) was the cousin of the Messenger of Allaah (peace be upon him). She was also amongst those who made the first hijrah. She married Zayd bin Haarithah --a former slave. This marriage occurred to eradicate the differences between men and women. To show that no man was above another except in piety. During the period when the proposal was sent to Zaynab bint Jahsh (radhiAllaahu 'anha), she didn't initially accept it and her brother, Ubayd-Allaah bin Jahsh rejected it. She had an aristocratic lineage which led to a high social status. She thought, "How could she accept this proposal from a former slave when she was a noble, high born lady?" However, because this matter was already decreed by Allaah (azz wa jal), as mentioned before (to remove the differences between men and women), Zaynab (radhiAllaahu 'anha) agreed to the marriage. This is the time when the following verse was also sent down to the Messenger (peace be upon him):

"It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allaah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allaah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in plain error."

--Surah Al-Ahzaab, verse 36.

This marriage lead to both, Zaynab (radhiAllaahu 'anha) and Zayd bin Haarithah being unhappy. Day in and day out they would come to the Messenger (peace be upon him) complaining of the other. Soon after, verses came down, cancelling the prior established practice . Jibreel ('alayhis salaam) informed Allaah's Messenger (peace be upon him) that Zaynab bint Jahsh (radhiAllaahu 'anha) will become his wife.

Allaah (azz wa jal) is very clear about the reason for this marriage:
"So that there may be no difficulty to the believers in respect of the wives of their adopted sons when the latter have no desire to keep them (divorce them). And Allaah's Command must be fulfilled."

--Surah Al-Ahzaab, verse 37

Due to this, the next time Zayd bin Haarithah came complaining, the Messenger (peace be upon him) permitted him divorce. After this, the Prophet (peace be uopn him) married Zaynab bint Jahsh (radhiAllaahu 'anha) when the waiting period after her divorce was complete.

She was often heard boasting about her marriage to the Prophet (peace be upon him) saying: "Your people gave you in marriage, but I was given out in marriage by Allaah from above His Throne." Perhaps this was Allaah's Blessing due to her obedience in marrying Zayd.

Also, the verse of hijaab came down at her instance. When Allaah's Messenger (peace be upon him) married her, after they consummated the marriage, he (peace be upon him) would send Anas bin Malik (radhiAllaahu 'anh) to invite people to a meal of bread and meat. Groups of people would come, eat, and then leave. A batch of 3 people remained chatting, when the following verse was revealed:

".. And when you ask his wives for anything you want, ask them from behind a curtain. That is purer for your hearts and for their hearts."

-- Surah Al-Ahzaab, verse 53

It established that such screening was necessary and purer for the hearts of everyone.

Zaynab bint Jahsh (radhiAllaahu 'anha) was truly an inspiring person. Her benevolence and generosity was well known. She was known as "The Mother of the Poor". The Prophet (peace be upon him)'s wife, A'ishah (radhiAllaahu 'anha) narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to his wives: 

"One who has the longest hands amongst you would come after me (to die)." She further said, "After his (peace be upon him) death, we would stretch our hands on the wall to measure their length. We never ceased doing that until Zaynab died and she was a small woman so she could not have been the one with the longest hand. It is then, that we realized that what he (peace be upon him) meant was charity. She use to work with her hand, tan and pierce leather and that income she would spend on charity."

To conclude, A'ishah (radhiAllaahu 'anha) said of Zaynab bint Jahsh (radhiAllaahu 'anha):

"I have never seen a woman who was better in her religion, who feared Allaah more, who was more truthful in speech, who strengthened the ties of kinship more, and was more benevolent in charity than Zaynab. May Allaah be pleased with her."