Allaah’s Messenger, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said, "The best day during which the sun has risen is Friday. It is the day Adam was created. It is the day when Adam entered paradise and also when he was taken out from it. It is also the day on which the Day of Judgment takes place." (Narrated in Muslim, Abu Dawood, An-Nisai, and Al-Tirmidhi).
Men are obligated to participate in Friday Prayer. Allaah –Most Merciful, said in the Qur’aan (62:9), "O’ you who believe! When the call is proclaimed to Prayer on Friday hasten earnestly to the remembrance of Allaah, and leave off business. That is best for you if you but knew." The congregational prayer of Friday is so important and significant to Muslims that an entire chapter has been sent down just on the congregational prayer of Friday in the Qur'aan (chapter 62).
In addition, the Messenger (peace be upon him) has warned those Muslims who do not attend Friday Prayer. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said about people who do not attend Friday Prayer, "I wanted to ask a man to lead people in the prayer so that I may go and burn houses of men who did not attend the Friday Prayer with us"(Muslim, Ahmad). He (peace be upon him) also said, "Either they (meaning people who do not attend the Friday prayer) stop neglecting Friday prayers or Allaah will set a seal on their hearts so they cannot find the right path again." (Muslim, Ahmad, An-Nisai).
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "On Friday the angels come to stand on the doors of the mosque, the angels record who comes first, if the mosque prayer leader (Imam) starts delivering the speech, the angles close their files and come to listen to the speech." (Reported in Abu Dawood).
The Prophet (peace be upon him) has even said, "We (Muslims) came last and yet we are the first on the Day of Judgment. They have received the books before us (meaning the Torah and Injil (Gospel of Jesus)). We have received the Book after them (meaning the Qur’aan). Friday was their day to be glorified. However, they disputed on that while Allaah had told us Friday is the day to glorify. Thus, they will follow us. The Jews glorify Saturday, and the Christians glorify Sunday." (Bukhari and Mulim).